
Since the beginning of time and creation from the unstruck sound, the Aum, humans have been deeply connected to sound.

Living on earth, we are part of the unified energy field, the ionosphere that surrounds our planet drifting and merging with space beyond. The energy molecules within the ionosphere vibrate at a certain frequency creating waves, is measured at 7.83Hz and known as the Schumann Renonance.

Being part of nature and not separate, our physical bodies are simply vibrating energy particles giving us form and structure.

Ancient Indian Ayurveda tells us energy moves through the human body via 72000 little rivers or nadis. These nadis converge at seven focal points or chakras, spinning discs of light and frequency from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and correspond with the seven musical notes and colours of the rainbow.

From our time in the womb, we are exposed to internal sounds from the mother like the heartbeat and digestion to external sounds travelling easily through the amniotic fluid. Sound travels through the intricate anatomy of the ear stimulating cranial nerves and the parasympathetic with soothing sustained sounds and the sympathetic response with loud, sharp, sudden sounds.

Ancient civilisations used chanting, singing, drumming, musical instruments and tuning forks creating different frequencies for different effects - harmony of body, mind and spirit, connecting to Spirit, transforming levels of consciousness, inducing states of ecstasy, clear disease and evil spirits from the energetic field. 

Modern day scientific research confirms that all that exists is made of moving energy and sound is in itself movement. 

When sound is produced, the molecules in the immediate vicinity are pushed away with pressure from the source of the sound bouncing back to the original position when they hit other molecules in the air producing a wave. The speed at which this cycle happens per second determines the frequency of vibration and is measured in Hertz.

The vibration of sound can be transferred and cause another energy body to vibrate (resonance) and two rhythms synchronised (entrainment).

Brainwaves can be entrained by rhythmic stimulation of the senses altering the states of body and mind simply by the use of different frequencies. In the same way, the whole human biofield which holds the blueprint of our DNA can be brought back to harmony and health.