Work with me

  • From the moment you arrive for your Reiki Healing session at Om Yoga Studio you will feel at ease, safe, secure and held in the calm space bathed in the energy of the watchful mountain Maungarei, one of Auckland’s largest volcanoes.

    After a light discussion of your general health, your wants, needs and desired outcome of the treatment you will lie comfortably and fully clothed upon the therapy table under a blanket.

    Quiet soothing music and a gentle guided meditation will prepare mind and body to relax, accept and receive the high vibrational flow of Universal Energy for your greatest and highest good.

    Placing hands either upon the body or above in the auric field, I will work from head to toe channeling Reiki which flows throughout the body and all it’s subtle layers. Connecting with my Higher Self and Ascended Masters to bring you a very powerful and personalised treatment to activate the body’s own healing capability to support you on life’s journey and awaken the soul.

    Treatment 1 hour - $110 - allow 1.5 hours
    Om Yoga Studio, Stonefields


  • Our nervous system and energetic body are acutely sensitive and highly intelligent reacting to everything we experience which can leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted, out of balance and over time causing disease.

    Distant Reiki Healing allows us to connect to anyone, anywhere in the world despite distance, time and space throughout the unified field we are all part of.

    Once a date and time have been arranged to suit, Distant Reiki Healing will be sent and the energy will flow making distant healing as effective as if you were receiving a hands on treatment.

    Distant Reiki Healing helps relieve symptoms of stress, create deep relaxation and bring body, mind and spirit back into a harmonious state once more and is a perfect option particularly during times when a physical appointment is not possible.

    Option also available to connect via WhatsApp or FaceTime for this session.

    Treatment 1 hour - $90 - allow 1.5 hours if connecting by WhatsApp or FaceTime


  • Sound Therapy is a gentle but powerful healing modality which is deeply nourishing and helps restore calm, inner balance and harmony.

    Warmly welcomed to Om Yoga Studio’s healing space, the overwhelm of life will gently ease away and you’ll feel held, heard and relaxed.

    After a brief discussion about your general health, your wants, needs and desired outcome of the treatment, we will create an intention to direct our work together which will help increase the energetic potency of our healing session.

    Lying comfortably and fully clothed upon the therapy table, metal singing bowls and tunings forks will be placed on or over the body and the vibration of the soothing sustained sounds created travel through the tissue, fluid, bones and the intricate anatomy of the ear stimulating cranial nerves. In turn, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated moving the brainwave pattern from normal consciousness to one of deep relaxation.

    Benefits include:

    • Deep relaxation

    • Improved mood

    • Balanced nervous system

    • Reduced stress and anxiety

    • Emotional healing

    • Management of pain

    • Improved sleep

    • Replenished energy levels

    • Increased vitality

    • Enhanced clarity

    • Improved focus and decision making

    • Enhanced sense of well-being

    • Gentle release of difficult life experiences

    • Support during life changes

    • Spiritual development

    Synchronise and harmonise to the vibration of sound and embrace vibrant living.

    Treatment 1 hour - $110 - allow 1.5 hours
    Om Yoga Studio, Stonefields


  • The combination of the two complimentary modalities work beautifully together.

    Deeply relaxing, healing and harmonising, feel your body and mind relax and tension ease as the heart and soul becomes light, joyous and expansive.

    This gentle but powerful, transformational session is available in the healing space of Om Yoga Studio.

    Treatment 1 hour - $110 - allow 1.5 hours
    Om Yoga Studio, Stonefields


  • The ultimate energy experience tailored for your individual needs incorporating Yin Yoga, Reiki & Sound Healing.

    Simply by creating shapes with the body and holding for time we work on so many levels. Not only the physical body, the fascia, ligaments and tendons but the mental and emotional bodies and the subtle energetic layer too. Settling into the shape, we move from an active to passive state, from yang to yin, the breath supports and the busyness of the mind begins to slow and within this space the magic happens.

    Lighting a candle and creating an intention for your practice and our work together for the greatest and highest good guided by my Higher Self gently placing my hands on or over the body, Reiki Healing energy flows and you will feel held and supported, relaxed and at ease. Sounds of bells, chimes, drum and crystal singing will be played over the body in the auric field and metal singing bowls and tuning forks on the physical body.

    Combined these three modalities have a profound effect on the whole self-free flow of energy through areas of tension, stagnation or blockages, blissful relaxation of body and mind, an altered state of consciousness accessing a higher state of being, alertness, clarity and awakening.

    This offering comes highly recommended in a group setting but an absolute must as an individualised experience.

    Treatment - 1.5 hours - $160 - allow for 2 hours
    Om Yoga Studio, Stonefields